Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,832 Moon Diagrams


Deerhunter drummer and co-founder is here, with Cemetry Classics his second album under the sobriquet Moon Diagrams. It's a name which falls in line with its title. Its  haunting and  ghostly from the off.

Echoing and withdrawn, it's not a record whuch dots 'i's or crosses 't's. All atmosphere and muffled avant garde noise occasionally coming into sharp focus and sounding like outtakes from Suicide's second album. It's by turns a startling.and disorientating record.

I found the record startling and enveloping in the way so much of Deerhunter has been over the years. Cemetry Classics makes no efforts to be accessible and is all the better for the fact that it doesn't


  1. Rather liked this when it came out, then promptly forgot it. Thanks for the reminder, Bruce! Needs another listen. I have been listening to the Lilacs & Champagne album lately (a bit DJ Shadowish) and just found the bedroom pop of Zach Schimpf today. Otherwise, not too much lately. Need to catch up with your posts. I was on holiday last week in Deal, so quite near you if you are still in Canterbury. Hope all's well with you.

  2. Everything's fine Darren. I was missing your input Starbuck.. Feeling I needed some suggestions. Cheers. I'n sure they will more than do. Hope you had a good break.
