Friday, August 30, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 118 Penny Arcade - Backwater College


When Ultimate Painting split so sadly a few years ago, Jack Cooper seemed the one of the band's core pair to keep an eye on. His records with Modern Nature have proved interesting Jazz and Folk abstractions and there's surely more to come.

But James Hoare's projects have been equally fruitful. He has quite a CV to his name now. Veronica Falls, Ultimate Painting, Proper Ornaments now Penny Arcade and an album called Backwater College.

Ot's a slightly downcast, mournful recird as you'd half expect with Hoare given his legcay. In a line from Ray Davies, Robyn Htchcock, Peter Astor and other great English wordswmiths.  

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