Friday, August 16, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 132 Large Brush Collection - Off Center


Choosing your band name carefully is prudent I'd say when getting together and heading onstage and eventually hitting the road. It's like christening your first born. In music terms it's also worth remembering you're asking the general public to part with hard earned cash generally. Bum Gravy was never the best idea really.

Neither is Large Brush Collection I reckon. But persist because the band , out of hereAustin Texas, have a lovely sound. Purity. Debut album Off Center captures the awestruck Baroque wonder of Nick Drake's Five Leaves Left, gives it a gentle feminine twist.  I was reminded of Alison Statton of Young Marble Giants and Naralie Merchant or Hope Sandoval. Interesting mix. It takes those magical ingredients wind's them up and St's them in motion like a set of spinning tops.

That's it essentially. That's what LBC do. Sometimes you need to have a great simple template, set it in motion with minimal fuss and play minor variations on it across the length of a Long Player to cast an effective spell. That's what happens here and frankly it's all rather wonderful. I wonder whether they've actually got a Large Brush Collection too. Perhaps that's just too much to ask for. 

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