Saturday, August 24, 2024

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 271 The Go Betweens - Spring Hill Fair


'rap, rap, rap on the lid...'

First loves still work their spell. A discovery. One of my most important ones. Bought in 1984 when I was on the cusp of life.It still weaves its spell and in many ways means more to me emotionally than the fabulous records that went before and came after which I came to later. Like I said. First loves. First kisses. Bachelor Kisses

I bought this at a record shop which is no longer there just around the corner from Twickenham Library which still is. Richmond Theatre, where they shot the cover of  Spring Hill Fair is a short bus ride away.on the Green. As for the title. Spring Hill Fair. What a name for an album There was a band that understood the meaning of romance.True Romance.  Like the band I was going through by reading years. Devouring literature. Arming myself for life. They were days of perpetual harvest. Scott Fitzgerald. A writer I associate particulatly with those days. There were others. 

The Go Betweens were just right for me. I was just like them. I dreamed. I was dreaming. I've since met Robert. And Lindy. Briefly. You only need brief encounters with your heroes. Neither disappointed. They're people who meet your eye.  

Others, including the band, have been disparaging about Spring Hill Fair's  production and song selection. I don't hear it. I can't be objective. To me it's a glorious band, in their pomp. This is an album that has enormous heart and considerable brain power.This blog takes it's name from a line on the record.

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