Thursday, February 6, 2025

101 Essential Rock Records # 3 The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones


'Nearly fifty years on Beatles versus Stones arguments seem like relics froma battlefield  no one can quite locate anymore. And yet they hold some truth, for the Rolling Stons are, both by theur original intent and savvy brand embellishment, the first antipop band....This is the most energetic and galvanizing Rock & Roll since the 50s.'

David Lynch's Favourite Songs # 16 Neil Young - Love & War


Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,668 The Flamin' Lips - At War With The Mystics


As with many Flamin' Lips recirds I listen to it and think that was alright. I wonder why so many people love them so much. 

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 106 Lucinda Williams - Lucinda Williams


It's C&W with good writing, good songs and a good voice. It doesn't cut much deeper with me than that. But it does to Uncut Nagazine readers for whom this is a central musical tug.

1985 Singles # 15 The Triffids


In 1985 while I went off to Switzerland on a magical journey, The Triffids began thei rise. Peel approved, and gave them any number of sessions and plays. NME put them on their front cover at a time when that honour really meant something and pushed a band genuinely forward in terms of youth conscoousness.

My sister, who was developing her tastes and they overlapped and complemented mine made a C-90 cassette with my dad and sent it to me in Switzerland with a letter.The cassette had great songs from Bruce Springsteen. And others. Interspersed with Horror and Storm sound affects from a BBC record which I'd bought the year before. People screaming. Machetes splitting cabbages to give the impression of guillotines severing human heads. Wind whisting around ships rigging. I've still got the record. Though I don't play it anymore.

The Triffids songs were the highlight of the cassettes.Songs from  their mini album Treeless Plains which led them towards their 1986 masterpiece Born Sandy Devotional. They were something else clearly. A force to be reckoned with.


Song(s) of the Day # 3,996 Tuung


It's not particularly difficult to find records to write and talk about on here. We've only just turned the corner into February and I've already had ten or more excellent albums to document, catalogue, talk and write about here. Music remains wonderful distraction and refuge from the madness of the world. 

For Thursday we have Tuung. 'Pagan Folktronica' , if you will. The collective's eighth album  Love You All Over Again is cottage industry craftsmanship. Textured old school Art. Words and rhythms weaving together magically to form fascinating labyrinths of sound.

The instrumentation here is astonishingly inventive. Unconventional collages are fabricated utilising seashells, voices and collective endeavour. 'Disquisitions on nature, mythology and the human condition.'  

This is an intiguing old school creation. A joyful discovery. Almost like an Oliver Postgate soundtrack to Noggin the Nog, The Clangers or Bagpuss. Love You All Over Again  is a thing of intricate but mysterious beauty which insinuates iteslf under the skin and burrows its way gently and lovingly into the soul.  In short, I like it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

101 Essential Rock Records # 2 Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan


A record that suddenly feels bery current again. given the release of A Compete Unknown. These are questions that always need to beasked. Stances that still need to be taken.

David Lynch's Favourite Songs # 15 David Bowie


500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 107 Squeeze - East Side Story


I'll sit down and listen to this. Even though I've got a lesson at half eleven and a no nothing middle manager breathing down my collar to do paper work of no significance whatsoever. It can wait. Squeeze are more important. They knew about life. They knew about melody. They had a way with words. They knew it could hurt. ut that essentially it was worth it for all the wonderful things about it 'They were ordinary guys... the kind of blokes who always seemed like they'd stand their round.' 

1985 Singles # 16 Fine Young Cannibals


'Whay is wrong. In my life. That I must get drunk every night.'

Records from the likes of Joy Division, Dexys, The Beat and The Specials were lessons in growing up whrn you were 16 , 17 and 18. They told of a life I barely knew about because I was brought up in a sheltered, middle class home.They told of a life I'd never know. But they told their tales brilliantly. Bruising tunes.

Fine Young Cannibals came from a splinter in The Beat . They were a surprise. The way the guitarist and bassist move un this vudeo. It comes from James Brown and Stax and Northern Soul. It's brilliantly realised. The drumming. The trumpet. the lighting in the studio. The commitment.

The great discovery is Roland Gift.He's a proper soul man. You can feel the pain in his delivery. It was the best thing the band ever did I bought the debut album on the back of it. It was really good. They had the right politics. The right clothes. The right moves. They went to America to make a mint. But thus was the one you really remember. .


Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,669 Echo & The Bunnymen - Crocodiles


'The sky seems full when you're in the cradle...'

I listened to this again just yesterday. It's a wonderful opening salvo. Bristling. Brilliant ! Using school poetry and literature as a starting point as you set off for your journey into the world. What do you need. Hair, coat, attitude. Good record collection. Dreams. I love this just as much as I did when I was seventeen. Not time to grow up just yet.

Song(s) of the Day # 3,995 Bonnie Prince Billy


A lie in allows me forty five minutes with  Prince Billy and his latest album The Purple Bird. He's an ornery critter. Very much his own man. He's created his  whole alternative universe and now he's revelling in it. Not unlike Nick Cave.

By contrast with Cave though Billy seems to have made his way to the light. 'After the bright night comes day. Yellow and grey.' 'Love overcomes.' It's such a  pleasure to be in such company

Over his career the man has made a crucial shift form The Blues to C & W. And although both genres are imbued with religious intensity. Battles with the beer and the darknight outside. Struggles with the soul and the cry of the demons. There's a constant sense of community here though. This a record of enormous communal warmth, One last hoedown around the campfire then we make for hearth and home arm in arm.

Prince Billy is sleeping with the dogs tonight. 'I'm all bark and she's all bite.' It's hokey as hell and unashamedly so. But the vein of humour is incredibly rich and so are the tunes. This has a glorious understanding of the ancient musical welI it draws upon, 

This is a wonderfulm sentimental record to draw us into the day. Ultimately this is a record that draw you into the water and then drags you to the surface of the ;ake into the bright sunlight. Cleansed. Restored. 


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Bob Dylan


101 Essential Rock Records # 1The Beatles - Please Please Me


'Modern music starts with this voyage of discovery.' 'Startling in its originality.'

A splendid coffee table book. Edited by Jeff Gold. Lots of fine essays. By Iggy Pop, Robyn Hitchcock, Nels Cline, Jon Savage, Peter Buck and the like. Starting where many books  ahould start. With The Beatles first album. With that classic image of the four of those instantly recognisable faces gazing  down from that balcony. The record still sounds fresh too. This should keep me occupied until Summer.

David Lynch's Favourite Songs # 14 Pixies


500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 108 Husker Du - Zen Arcade


An incredible statement. A slab of by turns, fury, confusion rage and sensitivity. Sometimes cheek by jowl. Startling.


1985 Singles # 17 Dexys Midnight Runners


Kevin Rowand and the people he's working with at the time, do their thing. We should aways be grateful.This was never destined to be Nunber One. But it's an unstoppable statement.

Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,670 Air -Walkie Talkie


There are worse things to do than put your headphones on or else lie back in the arms of someone you love for forty five minutes and listen to an Air album together. They're a band of rare and stately grace. Crackling static.

Song(s) of the Day # 3,994 FKA Twigs


Not an album I expected to relate to or spend much time with but  FKA Twigs EUSEXUA is certainly one of the more notable early releases of the year. I gave it a listen last night and frankly found myself gripped. 

I've never really caught Tahliah Debrett Barnett's work before but I get the feeling that I may have been missing out on simething really special. A frequently other worldly and incredibly creative record.

Obviously focused on sexual identity and dancefloor politics. I'm not an authority of either but have immediately warmed to the incredible fluidity of this album. The enormous diversity of the rythms and attitudes here. It's a planted flag and a fascinating record.  

Monday, February 3, 2025

David Lynch's Favourite Songs # 13 Elvis Presley


Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,671The Radio Dept - Lesser Matters


Swedish Sensitive Street.

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 109 Haircut 100 - Pelican West


Has it's moments. Nick Hetward was a talented fellow. Though  it felt much more cynical than it appeared on first notice. Like a marketplace reaction to Orange Juice.

1985 Singles # 18 James


James really first emerged in 1985 with The Village Fire EP on Factory Records which still charms forty years down the line. It's a fabuous document of a band setting off on their journey. Young shavers packing their rucksackswith flasks and sandwiches wrapped in cellophane.An apple and a catron of juice for anexcursion to the country..

I've always thought 'Trumpton' 'Camberwick Green'. There's a clockwork beauty here, a slipshod artisan amateurism to the arrangements and Tim Booth's mannerisms have a purity that's really rather lovely. Youth in all its earnest innocence.

Song(s) of the Day # 3,993 The Laughing Chimes


A wistful throwback start to the first working week of February.. Brett Anderson fronting a Flying Nuns band. Ohio band The Laughing Chimes strike no end of artful poses which hark unmistakeably back to yesteryear on the posily entitled Whispers in The Speech Machine

You can't help but feel that you're in a damp cellar somewhere in the Eighties wearing your favourite polkadot shirt. Back in the days when you had a full and not unimpressive head of hair.

The lack of variety in  The Laughing Chimes schtick wear slightly over the course of a whoe album. Also the mannered delivery of their lead singer. But this is a bright start to the working week. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

David Lynch's Favourite Songs # 12 Buddy Holly


Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,672 Todd Rundgren - A Wizard, A True Star


I've listened to this on my TV while I made my tea. Slightly hard work despite  spme stand out tracks.

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 110 Dexys Midnight Runners - Don't Stand Me Down


This may not be what the record company or much of the fanbase hoped for from Dexys in 1985. But this is a great example of artists doing what they want to do and being held out and respected for it in due time. 

What I Did on Thursday Night - Wingbeats at the Cobalt Studios


My life goes from day to day. That's a great way to live. I recommend it. An Existential approach. . I woke up on Thursday and took the stairs down from my bed to my living room in darkness in  preparation for my working day. At my desk on my laptop to my surprise and delight there was a message from a fundamental and central friend of mine waiting for me..An important person. There aren't many such people in anybody's life. I hadn't really heard from her for many years. 

She told me she had got a divorce a couple of years back and she would be in London in April with one of her beautiful daughters. That she was happy. Should we meet? I hadn't really known she was unhappy but the news didn't really surprise me. I met the man she married. Was at their wedding. I'd been surprised at the time. Puzzled. I replied that I would love to see them both. Suggested tea at The Dorchester. Mentioned Budapest where we had spent the best Christmas together. Possibly of my whole life.  Twenty years ago.

That has been the emotional backdrop for my last couple of days. This seems to be the world we live in now.Living in the present. Dwelling on the past. Thinking of the future. Outside there's a climate of fear. Every time you look at the news. Turn on the TV or the radio. Look at the front pages. Read the headlines. . A plane has just crashed into water near Washington DC. An American president is eager to blame others rather than taking charge and clearing matters up so we can all sleep in peace. Life is and remains stranger than fiction.

Never mind all that. I have lessons to plan and teach. It's a great way to spend my days. Teaching German business students online. People who are probably waking like me. Glancing at the news.Putting it to the back of their minds and thinking of the day ahead and the task at hand. Children off to school. A pecked kiss for a partner. No time to worry about a German parliamentary election. An important one surely. Just a matter of weeks away.

Meanwhile the music plays. I like to make my own soundtrack. My life has been great in that respect since I left a stale and hostile corporate office space a year ago and became self employed.  In my flat as I bathe and dress, The Goon Sax's debut album Up To  Anything spins. Insouciante, irrepressible youth, First love, first friendship, first heartbreak. We may not realise it at the time  But the heart is a remarkable organ. Resilient. Durable. It heals. We go on towards the coming day

I check my emails from work. Text to friends. No more time to delve further into the news. It cares not for me. It would do no one any good for me to weep at my desk. I take off  Up To  Anything. Put on Lou Reed's New York. A lament for his home town. From 1989. Lou is gone. But New York goes on. We must go on. 'Fly, fly away. From the Dirty Boulevard.'

I've got a sub to teach first. I love sub classes. Melissa, the group's regular teacher needs to take a week off. So I've been parachuted in with a basic roadmap. I click on the Teams link and am admitted into a virtual classroom where four IT businesspeople await me and we sail into the lesson.

I always feel like teaching is a breeze. An opportunity to immerse myself in the now. Sub classes generally demand that you meet people, find out the basics keep them entertained and hopefully help them in some way. Teaching is a noble pursuit. At least that's the way I look at it.

This class is fun. The students are funny. They know each other well and I warm to them increasingly as the ninety minutes proceed. We talk about different kinds of humour. They have good senses and feelings for it. We laugh and I hope learn something together. Time doesn't lag. They give ad hoc presentations, demonstrating their ability to describe their working processes in English. Switching between active and passive voice when required. Like professional footballers with two good feet.

Half an hour later and I'm into one of my regular classes. I play this one by ear, I have a powerpoint but subject matter comes up from the group and I pursue it. We talk about the property market. Compare what goes on there and what goes on here. As with pretty much everything I've learned about Germany since I started this a year back it strikes me that they have a saner approach and that we might do well to learn from them. An astonishing idea. 'Learn from Johnny Foreigner.' Perish the thought.

I'm done by 1.15. Do my paperwork, tidy up a bit and the day is fine. I've decided I'm going to a bash in the Cobalt Studios in Ousburn tonight. I've hardly been out since I got back to Newcastle a couple of weeks ago and it's time I did so. I don't wish to become a hermit.

I stop off at Beatbox Records across the road for a chat with Sam of No Teeth. They're probably a syndicalist commune or something of the sort but franky Sam is in charge whatever anyone tells you. We chat for a while. Sam is good and rolls me a tab for good measure and I'm on my way.

I pop in at The Telegraph to see if Amy's in. She isn't so I chat to the young barmaid who has a Nirvana T Shirt on. We chat about Nirvana and I say I was in Dortmund at the time of Grunge when Cobain died. I witnessed events unfold one Friday afternoon. A highly memorable event for me. It was genuinely upsetting. Cobain and Nirvana seemed to matter to a lot of people.

The barmaid is amiable but I get the impression that she isn't particularly interested. In what I have to say or actually in Nirvana really. It's just a t shirt she chose from her drawer. Nothing wrong with that. I go to the jukebox put on some songs that remind me of those days. Drink my cider and I'm on my way. 

I like the idea of choice these days. It gives my life rhythm, The Bridge? Nah not this time. Down the winding steps to The Quayside and the Crown Posada. One of the ultimate pub destinations in Newcastle. Or anywhere else for that matter.

I buy my non alcoholic beer. Sorry I'm a dull man these days. It was time to show the alternative to  non alcoholic beer the door. A young group of people come and sit next to me. They seem perfectly OK but get engrossed in a never ending chat about a sad psychotic who murdered some poor young children recently. 

I'm sorry but I avoid discussion of things like these because I find it can lead to string 'em up conclusions. Or general unhappiness and confusion.I want and need to be happy. I make my way as inconspicuously as I can past them and back to the bar. I read an article about the fine new Dylan film instead. Then I'm off into the night.. 

The Quayside is glossy and still. Ink black. Bible Black. As somebody with more poetry in his soul would have it. This acts as my exercise for today as I'm giving the Fitness Centre a break for a while. 

I'm into the Ouseburn Valley and I spot Alan at the doors of The Cluny. One of the best baman of my lifetime. An avuncular, friendly Viking of a man whose hobby is beng a viking. Staged battles and talks for the kids. I'm pleased because I've had a solitary day and it's great to catch up with someone I haven't seen for a while. Newcastle's wonderful for that.

I invite him to my 60th Birthday Party. We chat about common acquaintances. Then I'm off into the Ouseburn night . It's one of the best parts of Newcastle. Up the hill towards The Tanners. Turn right under the bridge to Shieldfield. Past Ernests, a community art space and I'm at the doors of the Cobalt Studios. One of the clutch of venues in Newcastle that offer cheap, affordable artistic nourishment in difficult times.

There's a young man at the counter. He's got one of those inadvisable half hearted attempts at a moustache which seem quite current. He seems angry but friendly. For some reason I think of Dexys Midnight Runners Kevin Archer. 

He asks if  I've bought a ticket. I say no, I'd like to buy one now. He says 'You'll have to wait for food' A nourishing meal in with the price, usually curry, rice or salad is one of the best things about Cobalt Studios Thursday nights.I'm not bothered about the food tonight.

I'm just glad to be back in the Cobalt Studios again. It's just a nice space to be in. Rows of chairs. Tables. People of all ages chatting together. Likeminded people. It's all quite idyllic actually. Artistic. the word has got out about this place. It's pretty much full. People smile at each other. 

Not taking the food option doesn't bother me. I don't bother with it tonight. I'm just happy to be here and have already promised myself that I'll come back in company soon. This is an interesting project. A project for troubled times,

A band come onstage. Four or five players. Wingbeats. Nu Jazz according to the flyer. It immediately ticks all boxes. Not corporate ones perhaps but emotional and spiritual ones. They play a graceful, languid set. The mood is mellow and positive.

I have a chat with the young guy next to me. We agree that places like these are important in times like these. Inclusive ones. He's a medical student and he talks about where his course of study is lacking. It's all about the money. Isn't that what's wrong with the word now. Isn't that what needs to be critiqued and challenged. 

Places and spaces like the Cobalt Studio might be a part of the solution. An alternative. I like the place very much.I don't need to stay for the headliners. I've got three classes tomorrow. I thank the young medical student and head for the doors.I say goodbye to Kevin Archer and thank him too. I'll be back.    

1985 Singles # 19 Pet Shop Boys


Pet Shop Boys were a new kind of band. They reflected the changing times. A new Political skyline. A new attitude to one another. This was Number One. Some start.

Song(s) of the Day # 3,992 Circa Waves


Circa Waves Never Going Under made some impression on me in 2023. They're back earky in 2025 with Death & Love. Pt 1 and first impressions are less durable or impressive. It's all rather innocuous Indie Landfill twenty years after expiry date I'm I'm afraid. I think they should regroup and reconsider before Part 2. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,673 Bark Psychosis - Hex


A band that were big in the Melody Maker in the nineties.They weren't really big anywhere else. But this is a gently haunting record. Introverted. Rhythmic and melodic. Hypnotic. 

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 111 R.E.M. - Green


I probably listen to an R.E.M. album every three or four days. That's probably been the way I've lived my life since I was 17 and I imagine I'll continue this was until the day I die. There are worse ways to be.

Green isn't my favourite album of theirs. When I come to Stand I feel a little like I do when you get to a Ringo song on a Beatles album. There was always an element of dumbness to the R.E.M. mix. If you're talking We Walk, I go along wholeheartedly. Later on I baulk slightly and think Michael might be reined in a tad. I Can Turn You Inside Out is somehow oppressive. Not an adjective you readily apply to many R.E.M. songs. It's not their thing. They're generaly rather warm,. This is alienating. But they were becoming a big band and that probablt wasn't always the easiest thing to go through. They became a different entity from now on.  

But Green also has a layer of melancholy, of sadness that prevails and endures. Impresses. World Leader Pretend, which initially I didn't like because if its title, I now fid incredibly impressive. Orange Crush is immense, I sat alone in a living room in Nowich when my housemates, half of wonderful student band The Legendary Gazelles weren't in . Warching my band on Top of the Pops. Something I'd never thought would happen. Then they went on to become the biggest band in the world. Quite right too !

 I've been listening to this while I write this. I should listen to it more. Not just the early stuff. R.E.M.'s greatest triumph was that they continued to be relevant. that's not something that applies to many bands. 



1985 Singles # 20 Lloyd Cole & The Commotions


'Walking in the pouring rain. Walking with Jesus and Jane...'

Lloyd Cole & The Commotions moved from Rattlesnakes to Easy Pieces. Brand New Friend and Lost Weekend kept them in The Hit Parade and on Top of the Pops  I moved from idyllic gap year experience in Switzerland to idyllic first term at university. Lloyd Cole seemed like a fellow traveller to that experience as well as someone to aspire to. 

You didn't really get the sense that he was laughing at himself and the type that he was and that you were. You just yearned for his bookcase and paperback shelf. His record collection. I was in he process of assembling both of mine. This is what I did between 17 and 25.  Lloyd Cole & The Commotions were consistently placed to the front of the stacks.They were writing abou me.And the peolpe I knew.


Song(s) of the Day # 3,991 Rose City Band


Rose City Band provude a gentle, rolling backdrop for household chores or breakfast. A roadtrip perhaps. Their sound strikes me as an update on the early Dire Straits sound with C&W preferenced over Blues. They have a sound that doesn't grate for a moment. Smooth as the open highway.

Latest album Son Y Sombra doesn't tamper with a formula that the band has honed over years and several years. Sunkissed feels an apt description.This is a throwback. Creedence, Riders of the Purple Sage. Harking back to older times and simpler values. The record's a welcome reminder that such things are always possible. 

There's not a hint of cynicism or smarter than thou aloofness. Songs are titled Lights On The Way. Open Roads. We're not talking Pavement or Kurt Vile here. I have no end of time for both. But Son Y Sombra takes a simpler route to the same destination. Can Get There From Here. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marianne Faithfull 1946 - 2024


It Starts With a Birthstone - Albums For January


It Starts With a Birthstone - Songs For January


David Lynch's Favourite Songs # 11 Roy Orbison


500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 112 Electric Light Orchestra - Time


It's ELO innit.

Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,674 The Dandy Warhols - Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia


Bohemian Ride. Narcotic ride and some great songs of youthful and probably slightly unnwise abandon. Which let's face it is what youth us unvented for,

1985 Singles # 21 The Loft


The Loft were exactly the kind of band I would have goobbled up given half a chance. Literate, guitar dreamers who took their cues from The Velvet Underground, Television and The Byrds and knew their Camus from their Rilke. 

But they were gone before they could realise their clear promise. In the most explosive circumstances, (if Indie bands break ups can really be described as explosive). Onstage at the Hammersmith Palais during a support slot for The Colourfield.

Forty years after they've reformed. Finally recorded their debut album and they're off on a tour. I'll see them in a few weeks time at The Cluny. In the meantime this, their second and final single remains golden. Exemplary.

Song(s) of the Day # 3,990 L.S.Dunes

The last day of January. The sun coming up as my bath runs and I make my way towards my half seven esson with incredible busy medical salespeople and professionals. Always one of my most interesting classes of the week.

I find myself listening to L.S.Dunes new album Violet. On the front cover a skeletal figure stares out from a small wooden boat beset by tempestuous waves. It seems like an apt metaphor for these times.

As for the record. It's not entirely to my liking.L.S.Dunes are a modern band. And they genre hop at will. There are guitar solos that we have not heard since Brian May was in his mid seventies pomp. The band flirt with metal and there are sounds whuch would alarm a mother for the wellbeing of her dearly beloved offspring  if she heard them coming out of their bedroom late on a weeknight.

The singer meanwhile howls at the moon like a gelded calf. I gave this my undivided attention for 15 minutes. But now it's time for my bath. I'll pass on this one. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,675 Cake - Fashion Nugget


Definitely leftfield and different.

1985 Singles # 22 Prefab Sprout


Pow! 'As obsolete as warships in the Baltic !' 'Every mother's son's romantic ! Every mother's son!' This wasn't a hit. Pearl before swine.Never mind. It's # 22 here . In with a bullet. It's the start of a long list of should have been hits.How long have you got !

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 113 Virginia Astley- From Gardens Where We Feel Secure


If you have hlf an hour minutes, listen to this. It's an independent record from 1983 that garnered quite a bit of attention at the time of its release and has continued to do so ever since. A collection of impressions and sounds from a day in the British countryside, it's an honest, courageous and moving expression of the feelings we all share just through being alive and experiencing the sensations of nature and time around us. An object of still but thrilling beauty.

Song(s) of the Day # 3,989 The Gentle Spring


The Gentle Spring. 'Let's be 'aving you...' As a slightly paralytic Delia Smith berated the Norwich City crowd at half time on Sky Sports some years back. Precisely Delia. Come on Gentle Spring,  'Let's be 'aving you...' So while waiting for that, and I have to say, as I'm writing it's dark outside and rather cold in here. The Gentle Spring's Looking Back at The World is indeed 'gentle,' unpretenious, and quietly winning product.

The Gentle Spring do what they say they will on the The Gentle Spring tin, This is wistful, sensitive nostalgia from Indie stalwarts. Generic but heartfelt strummed songs. Featuring Michael Hiscock who was a cofounder of Field Mice those much loved Sarah Records dreamers. This is lovely, unpretentious, meaningful product about the passage of time and trying to maintain the 18 year old self.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Best Ever Albums - 2,000 - 1,001 - 1,676 Johnny Cash - American III : Solitary Man


I don't like all of these songs. But I like the way Jonny sings them. Sometimes you need an old testament prophet. He's Ezekiel.

1985 Singles # 23 The Replacements


The Replacements were travelling fast and giving little care to their lungs and their livers. Such was their way. They never stood on ceremony. Unapologetic and they made a fine row. Tim came out in 1985. It was frequently raggedbut always engaging.  Kiss them on the bus,

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 112 The Triffids - Born Sandy Devotional


"When we finished Born Sandy Devotional I knew it was the best thing we’d ever done, there was no question about it. The writing was much more autobiographical than anything I’d done before, I felt quite close to the subject matter. I found myself almost following the idea of fidelity as a complete all-consuming faith, to give you some sort of direction or something. And ‘Born Sandy Devotional’? It was the name of a song which didn’t make it onto the record which is about someone called Sandy… I like titles like those, they’re just a law unto themselves and they have a feeling unto themselves. Born Sandy Devotional is the culmination of our efforts trying to capture our more considered lyrical approach with a physical intensity… well not really, but that will have to do." David McComb .

This album is one of the most literary records in my collection and I've got quite a few. Many of them date back to the early to mid-eighties when there seemed to be quite a demand for this kind of thing. A lot of talented people were choosing music at this point as a medium for literary exploration. Morrissey, Robert Forster, Grant McLennan, Michael Stipe, Lloyd Cole, Paddy Macaloon, Nick Cave, Roddy Frame, Mike Scott. And David McComb who stands comparison with the best of them.

He wrote every track on here. Each song could be considered a short story or a synopsis or fragment of a novel. They're also self contained. But they're not exercises in style. They're incredibly deeply felt and realised. Not all of them are in the first person but they are all inhabited. All of life's strongest emotions are heightened on here to almost intensely painful degrees; wonder, pain itself, obsession, madness, grief, hope, love, happiness and loss.

There are times on the record when virtually everything seems to be at stake. This is a difficult trick to pull off. It could easily tip over into cheap melodrama. I was never a huge fan of the records Nick Cave released at around about the same time for example because I thought he made this mistake all the time . I felt he got too close to his songs. McComb and The Triffids knew to keep some distance. The main way I think they managed this is because the accompanying music here is so essentially beautiful and full of the light of the landscape they grew up in that the individual songs and the album as a whole never collapse into maudlin introspection or self pity. They know exactly how to sugar their pill by lacing some intensely tough subject matter with sweetness and grace.

The record cover is an aerial photograph of a beachal coastline in Mandurah, Western Australia where the band hail from. It was taken in 1961. McComb was born the following year. This is not either insignificant or inconsequential as the group and McComb in particular are immersing themselves in their past and their landscape here. His comment above about the autobiographical nature of these songs and his own closeness to their subject matter was really helpful to me in getting a fuller handle on understanding what happens on the record. His statement about the focus on fidelity as an all consuming faith is even more revealing as on closer investigation of the songs and their lyrics it can be identified as the driving obsession of the protagonists on every track on Born Sandy Devotional.

The Triffids had taken a long time to get to this point as a group, releasing countless singles, EPs and a solitary album Treeless Plain released in 1983. And all the time touring relentlessly across the breadth and depth of Australia, learning their craft and developing their vision. In order to make their great leap forward they chose to uproot themselves and move to England in 1984, following in the footsteps of fellow Australian friends and mentors The Saints, The Birthday Party and The Go Betweens. By this point they had become a sturdy, confident set of musicians, the slightly amateurish, ramshackle nature of their early records had broadened into a confident wide screen sound that few of the British bands of the time could live with either on record or live.

For opening song The Seabirds I can't improve on quoting the whole lyric because it shows better than anything else exactly what level The Triffids and McComb would be playing at here:

"No foreign pair of dark sunglasses
will ever shield you from
the light that pierces your eyelids,
the screaming of the gulls
feeding off the bodies of the fish
thrashing up the bay till it was red
turning the sky a cold dark colour
as they circled overhead.

He swam out to the edge of the reef
there were cuts across his skin
saltwater on his eyes and arms,
but he could not feel the sting
there was no one left to hold him back

no one to call out his name
dress him feed him drive him home
say "Little boy it doesn't have to end this way"

He announced their trial separation
and spent the night in a Park Beach Motel bed
a total stranger lying next to him
rain hitting the roof hard over his head
she said "What's the matter now lover boy
has the cat run off with your tongue?
Are you drinking to get maudlin
or drinking to get numb?"

He called out to the seabirds "Take me now,
I'm no longer afraid to die"
but they pretended not to hear him
and just watched him with their hard and bright black eyes
they could pick the eye from any dying thing
that lay within their reach
but they would not touch the solitary figure
lying tossed up on the beach.

So, where were you?
(McComb 1986)

It's about the journey within and how the elemental landscape you find yourself in, (and there can't be a landscape much more elemental and enveloping than the one McComb and The Triffids understood so well)  can turn pitiless, rip you apart and devour you. McComb knew his literature. This reminds me of Camus' The Outsider, Paul and Jane Bowles' writing about Northern Africa (particularly The Sheltering Sky) and what I imagine Malcolm Lowry's  Under the Volcano to be like (haven't read it, should do one day).

The 'little boy it doesn't have to end this way' line is resonant because the second track, Estuary Bed, takes us back to where it started or thereabouts. 'The children are walking back from the beach'. It's about the blessed realm of childhood. How the weeks of a summer spent on the beach on the sand and in the sea can stretch out into an eternal, golden, sensory state. 'Wasting away for hours and hours and hours.' McComb is really strong on the physical sensations of being adolescent.The sun, salt and silt but the song as far as I can understand it is about the inevitable transition from that false eternity and the vain striving afterwards in the narrator's consciousness to recover what's gone forever. 'Come on, climb over your father's back fence. For the very last time take a short cut across his lawn.' Breaking the father's law not for the very last time on this album by any means. McComb studied divinity, literature and journalism and he puts it all to good use here . It's not entirely clear what occurs but we are left to draw our own conclusions  'Silt returns across the passage of flesh...I bear the stain. It won't wash off.' The landscape remains, endures and renews itself. What's human is recovered by the elements. 'What use memory covered in estuary silt?'

(I've done my best to interpret things here but much of it is beyond me. Still. This track is something truly special.Trust me. Great use of vibraphone!)

How often do we listen to our favourite records over a lifetime? Born Sandy Devotional must be among my top twenty most played albums. Possibly top ten. I've had it for almost thirty years. But I've never really heard its third song Chicken Killer before I listened to it in order to write this a few days ago. I've been thinking about it ever since

 I always thought it was one of The Triffids joke songs. They certainly produced a few. McComb was so prolific that he would dash them off and the band would spit them out and they would race on to the next. This strength was eventually their downfall in my opinion as they finally lost quality control and coughed up some real duds which fatally overtipped their final album. But that's another story.

My younger sister, and I would laugh about this track together. 'Here it comes Chicken Killeragain' just as Jill Birt, The Triffids second vocalist and McComb would rip into the chorus together, 'Here he comes the killer again. Here he comes the chicken killer again.' It was slight. And slightly ridiculous. So I thought. I've now discovered it's not!

The problem lies in the lack of  lyric sheet. This album really deserves and would be complemented by one. The words to Chicken Killer are just superb! It's a tale of madness in the Australian outback. Flannery O'Connor or Faulkner would be proud. The protagonist is the bewildered hen slayer of the song's title. He runs through the corn fields where he first courted his dead love, grief stricken, ribs poking through his yellow skin. Blasting the birds on the telephone line, scaring the local children, He's delirious in pain; driven mad by the scalding rural sun and the loss of his love. The locals gather round and try to calm him, indicating the heavens where she is now. But the chicken killer can't hear them. He makes reference to a man on a cross on a hill but knows that he himself is damned. And afterwards, destined to become the stuff of local folklore

'And the children were singing, "Here he comes the killer again
Here he comes the chicken killer again"
My ears were filled with that joyful ringing
My ears were filled with that happy singing'

For Tarrilup Bridge McComb hands the stage over more fully to Jill Burt. She's generally given every fifth or sixth song throughout The Triffids career. It would probably be accurate to say she doesn't have an operatic vocal range and would be more fairly placed in the Mo Tucker school of singing than in Edith Piaf's but this can be really effective in short doses. It provides relief here from McComb's much more intense style. Tarrilup Bridge is a suicide note. The body count is really beginning to mount up by now and I'm not just referring to unfortunate chickens.

"Packed my bag
Left a note on the fridge
And I drove off the end of the Tarrilup Bridge.

Now you read about me in the papers
They say I'm going to be a big star
They're making a movie about my life
And you're going to play the starring part."

It's worth stating again that McComb knows his fiction, particularly American fiction,  and also, I imagine, his cinema. At various points there are echoes of Steinbeck, Hemingway and Fitzgerald in his writing. Here I'm reminded more of Film Noir (something like Double Indemnity or The Postman Always Rings Twice) and the pulp fiction of Chandler, Cain or Hammett. There's not much more to the lyric than the lines I've just quoted and for the most part the music carries and conveys the atmosphere. It's heavily laden with shuddering sound effects. The song poses as many unanswered questions as an actual suicide. It doesn't particularly go anywhere like his best stuff does. Still, it's a change of pace, which I'd say is what the album requires here.

Perhaps it's just a well we've had a breather because the next two tracks are absolutely the emotional core of the record. And Joseph Conrad and cliche fans will be delighted to know that it's a heart of darkness in every respect. Andrew Mueller, the Australian born music journalist writes very well about this album on his website. He states there that

"There are parts of Australia you could drop a medium-sized European country on without hitting anybody. To drive the roads that lace these empty immensities is to confront an enormity of landscape, and a concomitant insignificance of humanity, difficult to explain to inhabitants of the northern hemisphere."

The Triffids attempt to do so here. Lonely Stretch, the closing track of Side One describes the moment when you know you are more hopelessly and irretrievably lost than you ever imagined it was possible to be. The Triffids have driven off the road into utter darkness without the remotest hope of ever finding their way back.
"Land was so flat, could well have been ocean
No distinguishing feature in any direction"
"without another living thing in sight
Without another living soul in sight."

I've always been at a bit of a loss with this particular song because I don't have the emotional data to understand the wilderness The Triffids are hurtling through here . The only reference point I could make when I was listening to it the other night and trying to understand where it was going was to Ian Curtis. I have to confess that I've never thought of McComb and Curtis as similar writers or singers before but could hear some connection in this song; there's certainly a protracted howl in pitiless darkness here that Joy Division obsessives would recognise. I can only shrug my shoulders and leave it to Mueller again as he  understands better than I ever will the emotional and physical terrain described here :
“Lonely Stretch” is a staggering study of white-line fever, exuberantly declaimed by McComb. He is, once again, a man gone mad, gone driving, gone bush, going nowhere: Behind him, The Triffids summon a five-minute opera in several acts, sounding in some respects like The Band, The Velvet Underground and The Birthday Party, but mostly (still!) like nothing else you’ve ever heard. As it builds to a frenetic crescendo, there’s a palpable sense of an accelerator foot pushing to the floor, and hands lifting off the steering wheel. “You could die out here,” roars McComb, “of a broken heart”.

'I took a wrong turn, I took a wrong turn
I hit a lonely stretch
Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham
Guide me back to the bosom of Abraham
So high can't get over it, so low can't get under it,
So wide can't get around it, I took a wrong turn,'

Wide Open Road has been called the Australian Born to Run a few times. I've got some time for Springsteen but this is not on. It does the track, McComb and The Triffids an enormous injustice. This song stands alone. It's one of my very favourites and my favourite in one respect in that it's the song that best describes life to me. Life as an open road is not a particularly difficult idea to understand or identify with or take on as an expression of your existence and it's been used by novelists, painters, poets and musicians and people who are none of those things as an expression of theirs. The Triffids do it best for me.

The sounds of the organ which we hear first always sound to me like dawn breaking. I play it a lot in the morning as a result. Though come to think of it, I play it a lot at midday, in the afternoon, early evening and at night time too. McComb's whispered '2,3,4' set the tapes rolling, the drumbeat starts pulsing and it's not at all fanciful to describe this as life beginning. There. I've done so! It's with the opening lyrics and the responding drum cracks though that the whole thing really kicks off.

                                                 "Well the drums rolled off in my forehead
                                                   and the guns went off in my chest
                                                   Remember carrying the baby for you
                                                   Crying in the wilderness"

From this point on it's got a momentum that it never loses. It's about love. It's about loss. It's about hunting something down. It's about pain of the sort that someone with a background in divinity can best describe. It's about an elemental, burning landscape under a big and empty sun that tells an essential truth that your god will provide you with precious solace when everything else has spun out of control. It's about obsessive, compulsive desire and our restless need for one another to provide meaning, contact and love. It's about the next day starting and then the next after that. The seamless flow of days and weeks and months and years  For me ultimately it's about the redemption provided by the closing line 'and now you can go any place that you want to go.' I've identified with it when I'm overjoyed. I've done so when I'm despondent. And also in despair. I always find it indescribably empowering. It's The Triffids defining song. It has a good claim to be Australia's defining song. It speaks best for itself.

As a postscript it's worth pointing out that this got to Number 26 in the UK Pop Chart in 1985. As far as I know The Triffids weren't granted a Top of the Pops appearance. Meanwhile, it reached Number 64 in Australia.

After these two incredible moments all The Triffids need to do is maintain the pace. To me this is exactly what the second song on this side, Life of Crime, does. It a high quality track in itself exploring further the territory and themes that McComb has laid out previously. It's describes country love gone to the bad and reminds me most of Terrence Mallick's remarkable film Badlands which shows a couple of killers on the road in the Depression era Southern states..As Mueller suggests it veers into Nick Cave territory which is perhaps why it's not such a firm favourite of mine. It's all getting a bit intense for me under the sun. The air out here is pretty thick. I think I'll go inside.

Because of Born Sandy Devotional's incredibly clear sense of time, place and mood it always seems apparent to me where and when each song is set. In the morning, in the middle of the day, in the evening or at night, by the sea, in the fields, in the outback. Personal Things, the following track, seems to be the only song here that takes place indoors. As with allowing Jill Burt to sing Tarrilup Bridge, this provides needed relief for me.

The theme is still intense. The narrator is rooting endlessly through the personal possessions and trinkets of his lost, loved one. Where she is now remains unclear. Has she left him or is she dead? Has he killed her and found himself a new place of residence? I'm not sure if he's even of this world himself anymore. The place where he is seems to be purgatory wherever it is geographically.

Some secrets of love you take to your bed and there's
some that you take to your grave. Well I took mine
to a new address, where I took my rest, at the end
of the day.

This was one of the songs I immediately identified with on hearing the record when I was nineteen . It was easy to digest and like musically. It whispered The Doors at me and as someone who owned all six of that band's studio albums already this made it made it instantly palatable and lovable. I stand by the way I felt then.

Incredibly at this late stage The Triffids have one more straight ace up their sleeve still to play. Another completely show stopping set piece that bears honest comparison in terms of scale with either Lonely Stretch or Wide Open Road and for me pretty much anything written by anybody else too. At least anything I've heard. It's Stolen Property. Fourth song, second side. I'm quite sure this might be many true devotees of this record's favourite moment. It might be my sister's for example. Here, lyrically McComb does something he's never quite done before. More than anywhere else on the album I get the sense that he's directly speaking to the listener from their record player.

 In terms of major influences on his writing I'd suggest Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen perhaps Johnny Cash. Dylan, for example is all over the naming of the album. He's also here in this track in the sustained accusatory condemnation, I assume directed towards a woman (maybe someone who's spurned him), of somebody who sees themselves as a player, as worldly, but who for McComb isn't really engaged with what he sees as the essence of life. Somebody who is not going forward or in fact going anywhere at all. Someone with no place to go. The greatest crime of all. A life unlived. Again, I'm going to have to quote at length to try to fully show what I'm getting at here:

'You just lie around waiting on a signal from heaven
Never had to heal any deep incisions
Darling you are not moving any mountain
You are not seeing any vision
You are not freeing any people from prison
Just an aphorism for every occasion
As if the only thing that ever matters
is your place at the table
You never read the writing on the label
when you drank from the bottle
It said Keep Away From Children'

   For me this is writing of a completely astonishing skill, insight and emotional sensitivity. It takes some inspiration from Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone or Positively Fourth Street and I'd really say that this is the level that McComb is operating at here. The rest of The Triffids keep pace with him with an understated but note-perfect support. It's about our given duty to play a part. To earn our place at a table worth sitting at (clearly not the table the woman is concerned with) and never take it as given.  Never to wait for the final judgement. Because it happens every day. That's Albert Camus, not mine I'm afraid. We don't require a signal from heaven to do these things. It's down to us and it's our mortal responsibility to stay engaged.

Just saying this would be enough but McComb is still not done. The woman is banished  'she can't hurt you now... she don't belong here anymore.. learning the hard way' and the song seems to be winding down. But out of nowhere McComb comes striding back in full preacher's mode declaiming .'Pick yourself up! Hold yourself up to the light!' The idea that even the object of the song's withering contempt and judgement can be reclaimed and redeemed. Words fail me.

It must have been difficult to decide how to close this album. There's been so much intense emotional turmoil, violence and blood-letting already that to try and top it or go to the places where it had already been would have been a mistake. The Triffids are far too smart for that. Tender is the Night is the closing song and it's elegiac, a word you'll find in any good dictionary, and offers the hope that's needed although it's a hope that's hard won and uncertain. Once again McComb gives it to Jill Burt although he duets with her towards its end and here she has something much more complete and fully realised to work with than she had on Tarrilup Bridge. She makes good use of it.
The fact the title is borrowed from the name of a Scott Fitzgerald novel is not an accident at all for me. There's much of the beautiful doomed youth of Fitzgerald's fiction to the story told here.
'Surrounded himself with shiny things
First night tickets, ermine, pearls upon a string
And disappeared in all the pestilence
that sudden pleasure brings

He never asks after her anymore
He made a point of losing her address
And every trinket that she ever touched
he keeps locked away
And just burns up In the furnace of his chest'

This reminds me so much of Tender is the Night the novel and what I took away from it when I read it first for my A levels. It could almost be the characters of the book. Dick Diver and Nicole and possibly Tommy Barban who Nicole eventually leaves Dick for. At the end of the novel Dick ends up giving a hugely public display of making the sign of the cross on a crowded beach on the French Riviera after Nicole has left him, a sign of his impending emotional breakdown. I'm sure this is something McComb would have appreciated fully when he read it which I imagine he did given the use of its title here. It's how people use each other up when they're young, or even not so young, one might discard the other but both carry their love for each other within them forever. Here the female narrator is with someone else in the song, far away from the person she's describing to him. 'I left him. And I can leave you too. Baby let's go out tonight..' But she still carries the memory of the one she loved before. He will always be the first.
 'It's getting dark earlier now.
But where you are it's just getting light.
Where you are it will just be getting light.'

(This is an alternative version of the song to the one that appears on the album)

So that's Born Sandy Devotional. It's inhabited me since I decided to listen to it and write about it on a beautiful, sunny afternoon we had last Saturday. I've acted otherwise as well as I could. I've got up, gone to work, functioned in that respect as well as I was able because I have a certain internal protestant work thing going on. But inside me Born Sandy Devotional has been spinning and my internal mechanisms have been alert to their utmost because I've wanted to do justice to this. Because it matters.
The album didn't sell that much when it was initially released but was almost universally praised. The band signed to Island Records as a result of this acclaim but the records that were released after this didn't match up in any respect. It pains me to say so. There are certain songs I'd point interested parties towards; Bury me Deep in LoveTrick of the Light, Hometown Farewell Kiss, Only One Life, Goodbye Little Boy. Any of these songs could have slotted into Born Sandy Devotional and not been overshadowed and actually improved the album further in some cases. But the band lost momentum and split.

Much of the group sloped off to nine to fives. Fair enough. I do nine to five myself. Less than ten years later though McComb himself was dead. The circumstances of his decline and death were deeply upsetting  and  depressing whichever way you choose to scrutinise them. I don't want to go into it here.  Like Cobain and Curtis he clearly meant it. The Triffids have recently reformed and continue to tour with guest singers but this is something that's beyond my understanding because The Triffids without McComb upfront makes no earthly sense to me. Good as they were as a collective McComb was their guiding rudder and reason for being. They won't and this won't be forgotten!