Saturday, July 20, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,801 Las Nubes


My new favoyrute band part blah, blah, blah. Miami, Florida crackers Las Nubes and their latest Tormentas Malsanas are here to Rock Your World !

Comung on like the Hispanic Deals on acid, Las Mubes frontline Ale Campos and Cuci Amador throw fabulous Rock shapes from starting gun to finishing tape here. It;s divertida para toda la familia. 

Breeders at their best is the most immediate comparison point uf Kim and Kelley hd been born al sur de la frontera. Caramba! This is some joyous alternative rock noise.


There's something thrillingly affurmatuve about what's on show here. It's a riotous feast and no mistake. It might remind you of others but theirs is the name to make sure you remember. Recuerda que lo esuchaste aqui.  . 


  1. Yeah, I have been really liking this, Bruce. Not sure if you picked this up from me or not, but glad you found it.

  2. I have no idea where I pick anything up anymore Darren this long into the voyage. I think I have cabin fever. My initial intention was never to repeat a Song of the Day artist adn for the most part I've stuck with that resolution. But I'm sure I break this once in a while. Saw this on a review on A Pessimist is Never Disappointed which often comes up with the goods. It's a great record anyhow. The Breeders are everywhere. But I love The Breeders. This strikes me as a Hispanic variant, Onward Starbuck !

  3. I bet! Always in awe of how you do what you do. I tend to just follow bands I like on Spotify, but forget how I found them when their next single/album comes out... Also, think I often recommend you stuff in clusters, which probably isn't helpful. Do like this, though!

    Will add Snowy Band to your list, if you don't know them. Another Melbourne band. Another band I can't remember how I came across them ..

    1. Cool. Thank you. I appreciate any recommendations. Almost always like what you chuck my way.
