Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cassandra Jenkins - My Light, My Destroyer


Cassandra Jenkins is one of the coolest fishies to come swimming up the Art Pop pike in recent years and no mistake. If 2021's (An Overview of ) An Overview on Phenomenal Nature was a fascinating entre,  My Light, My Destroyer is the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.

There's a sense of realisation listening to this. No longers as boho as she seemed on Phenomenal Nature. So Rickie Lee. So Laurie. My Light is a remarkably assured record from the off. Seemingly intent on the heart of the charts just as much on critical garlands. 

A fantastically realised Pop album of silky, textured, confident songs. Jenskins voice has become softly, textured and realised. There's  a sense of realisation here. Like a beautuful bride in a stunning dress, making her way down the aisle on the best day of her life.

Jenkins retains her 'otherness' here. There are plenty of 'outre' moments. In some ways this feels like a deeply thought through record. But not in a calculated sense. Just another giant leap forward for \Jenkins. It will be fascinating to watch where she goes from here. Infinity and beyond. 

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