Friday, July 26, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,807 Snowy Band


If in doubt on It Starts, turn to Starbuck. AKA Darren Jones, first mate to this blog and faithful guide. To steer us into calmer waters from the eye of the storm. Into port for the weekend, Another excellent tip.

This morning. The Snowy Band. Not the most inspiring band name perhaps. But persevere. Because the record itself, their latest album Age Difference, is a still a gem of the most valuable kind and no mistake. 

A Melbourne band. I'm always pleased to tumble across another one of those. In the words of a review I tracked down ' each song ambles through big themes like religiosity , existentialism, fear of regret, time and love.'

This is dappled, nuanced stuff. Textured. Like meeting a whole new set of people one evening from the other side of the world and realising you might have known them your whole life. You have so much in common. Thanks Darren. Another pearl. 


  1. Glad you liked it, Bruce! I love a band that knows how to use restraint. Agree about their name, though! There were some great new albums yesterday. Nightshift, Local Authority and Ben Seretan are all worth checking out.

  2. Oh excellent. Loved Snowy Band. Thanks for the new tips. More to get my teeth into, Have found a couple of good new ones myself and there's lots of interesting stuff coming up.

  3. Oh. I've written about Nightshift before. The new one's good. Thanks Darren. I had a long weekend in Glasgow recently. I'd like to see some of these bands in their natural habitat.

  4. Ah, I usually check first! Oh well, I do like their new one. Would love to go back to Glasgow one day. Spent a year there in the late 90s to do my Master's, mostly because I loved Scottish bands. Saw Arab Strap, Urusei Yatsura and The Delgados. Marvellous.

  5. I was very taken.The place had a great vibe. Planning to go back for another long weekend next year. Very fond of Urusei Yatsura and The Delgados.
