Wednesday, July 24, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 157 Omni - Souvenir


I had enormous fun yesterday giving a couple of spins to Souvenir, the latest album from Atlanta, Georgia wonders Omni. They're a band I've always enjoyed listening to previously and ir's good to have them back.

Their first album came out in 2016 and Souvenir is their fourth. Omni can only really be described as a Post Punk band and in their case it's a relief to be able to say that this doesn't come across as a slur.

 It's fair to say that 2016 is a fairly long time ago now. Back in those days when I first started listening to Omni, being Post Punk seemed almost an exciting thing ro be. That's no longe. the case I'm afraid. There are whole flocks of Post Punk bands munching the grass of the pastures on the Pop horizons with no intent apparent apart from sounding as much like one another as possible and frankly being as featureless and dull as they possibly can be.

Omni meanwhile still sound brittle and fresh. Their take their cues from Wire, Television and Josef K. Always a good idda, let's face it. They impose their own mathematical twist on these bands template and the result is invariably mightily invigorating. Feast on their heart.

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