Monday, August 26, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 122 Rui Gabriel - Compassion


It's a Friday morning and the sun is rising slowly in the Canterbury heavens as I prepare for my working day. Tume to put my headphones on and listen to a dreamy Indie album put me in the best mood for my labours.

Rui Gabriel's Compassion ticks all available boxes. Gabriel is a bearded, avuncular customer. Born in Venzuela, raised in Nicaragua and based in Indiana he's a wooly hatted, chunky proposition and Compassion is a dreamy, self asurred and pleasurable ride.

Full of indie goodness. Gabriel  joins up with fellow travellers Kate Teague and Stef Chura or goes it alone. For anyone who makes a point of rewatching Juno at some point in the calendar year. Feelgood. Summertime Tiger particularly is a quality tune.

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