Tuesday, August 20, 2024

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 275 The Fall - Bend Sinister


So I've got fifty minutes so I thought I'd listen to  a Fall album as it's appared on one of the charts that I'm working my way throughas it's a daily routine I've set for myself. 

I have nothing against The Fall. They're a fine band who made numrous fine records down the years. What bugs me is their followers and the nature of their cult. The way Fall fanatics and they are almost invariably male fanatics babble about them as if they would like to imply that they were personally separated from Mark E. at birth. From my knowledge of the man he generally despised such devotees more than anything  and made every effort to humiliate them deeply when he came across them. I don't like such people whe I run across them in life and so don't idolise Pop stars with such missnthropic mindsets and tendencies.

Bend Sinister is a mid Eighties album which is immediately recognisable as a mid Eighties Fall album. I lasted ten minutes today.  

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