Saturday, March 2, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,665 Sheer Mag


Spent the whole day in the flat yesterday as I was teaching lessons online with German business people in the afternoon. Exciting  times. In my case Back To The Future. Having enjoyed this kind of teaching so much in a face to face context back in the Nineties.

But I had a few hours in the morning, listening to a couple of new albums, freshly available, as it was Friday. This one jumped out at me. An excellent exercise in time travel, air guitar trickery. Making faces at your mirror while pumping out chords on your tennis racket 'til mom calls you down for tea.

Wikipedia comes to my rescue yet again. Sheer Mag are from Philadelphia and have been around for a decade already. Apparently they combine a 'rock and punk ethos.'

You hear this quite a bit these days. The ready availability of everything due to Internet access leads to eclectic or schizophrenic 'throw everything at a wall and see what sticks' practice. Sometimes the results are slightly variable.

Pre-Internet music certainly came out of a more organic context. But I listened to Sheer Mag's latest album Playing Favorites yesterday and enjoyed it. And have done the same again this morning. In the words of The Beach Boys it's 'fun, fun, fun til her daddy takes the t-bird away.' Well if Sheer Mag are going to jump all over the shop in terms of their sound why shouldn't I in terms of my writing.

Fronted by a hyperactive female lead who sounds like she's high on helium and fizzy lemonade, the band leap all over the Seventies with wild abandon for half an hour. A bunch of kids at a Birthday Party excursion to the trampoline park.

The record is relentless. The kind of thing the kids in Daze & Confused might have slotted into their cassette plater on the drive to pickup Aerosmith tickets at the end of that movie as the end credits ran. It's non stop abandon. Like so many great records in 2024 it half wishes it were somewhere else.  Excellent Dude! Beaudacious.

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