Saturday, December 21, 2024

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 152 Galaxie 500 - On Fire


Christmas is almost here. It remains a time to reflect. On Christmas pasts. In December 1990 I took a train. From Komarno, Czechoslovakia to Turin in Italy. To stay with the first real love of my life who had moved there from England when she graduated.

The relationship was dead essentially although it took us both many years to fully realise and admit it. To ourselves and to each other, because we had meant more than mere words can convey in terms of our love and our moment. The spell that fell upon us. It's still painful for me to think about the time we spent together in Turin. We had lost what we had and were living through a period of emotional anguish. It actually stretched on for both of us for many years though we had no idea it would at the time. 

Love is like that. It's the most difficult thing to put completely to sleep and move on. We had had our time but were too young and immature to realise that the best thing to do would be to strive forward alone and stop hurting each other. It's good to go through these experiences but important not to dwell on them too much. We both made that mistake. Fortunately we've both managed to let each other go since. 

I associate this brief stay in Turin with two records. Ride's Nowhere and Galaxie 500's This is Our Music. I stood on a few occasions during my stay outside a record shop in one of Turin's main thoroughfares, coveting both records, my heart breaking inside me. The pain I was going through was actually indescribable. Looking back I can easily re-experience the emotion. The human heart is the greatest mystery. Listening to Galaxie 500 always makes me think of that beautiful girl and what it felt like to be with her. Go deep inside myself. This is some of the most desolate music I know. But there's great beauty there too. Fragility.

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