Wednesday, December 25, 2024

35 Wonderful Albums That Could Easily Have Been In- It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024

During November and December on It Starts I've been mopping up great records that I've missed along the way. Scouring other end of year lists and giving as many as I can a listen.

It's been a great illustration if one is needed of how pointless drawing up lists of best records in the hope of something definitive at the end of a calendar year is in 2024. For every great record that you hear, there are always at least five that you haven't noticed or will probably not even hear. Any one of the 25 records listed below could have made my own list of 200. Several of them pretty damn high. So here we go. In no particular order. 
  1. Still House Plants - If I Don't Make It I Love U
  2. John Canning Yates - The Quiet Portraits
  3. Charles Lloyd - The Sky Will Still Be There Tomorrow
  4. Christopher Owens - I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair
  5. Myriam Gendron -Mayday
  6. Oisin Leech - Cod Sea
  7. Alan Sparhawk - White Roses, My God
  8. Johnny Blue Skies - Passage Du Desir
  9. Cassie Kinoshi's Seed - Gratitude
  10. The Black Crowes - Happiness Bastards
  11. Nubya Garcia - Odyssey
  12. Dirty Three - Love Changes Everything
  13. Lady Blackbird - Slang Spirituals
  14. Gillian Welch & David Rawlings - woodland
  15. Saint Etienne - The Night
  16. Mermaid Chunky- slif slaf slof
  17. Silverlites - Silverlites
  18. Liam Bailey- Zero Grace
  19. Amyl & The Sniffers - Cartoon Darkness
  20. Pys Melyn -Fel Effelliad
  21. King Hannah - Big Swimmer
  22. The Green Child - Look Familiar
  23. Winkler - Bazooka Baby
  24. The WAEVE -City Lights
  25. Clairo - Charmer
  26. Magic User - Shadow On The Door
  27. Bed Maker - Bed Maker
  28. French Cassettes - Benzene
  29. The Black Watch - Weird Rooms
  30. John Cale - POPtical Illusion
  31. Cindy Lee - Diamond Jubilee
  32. Magdalena Bay - Imaginal Risk
  33. The Smile - Cutouts
  34. Mdou Moctar - Funeral For Justice
  35. Quivers - Oyster Cuts

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