Sunday, December 31, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,606 Oscar Scheller


Picture the scene if you will. It's December 31st 2023. The end of a year of my life that's been action packed to say the least. I won't bother you with tiresome biohtaphical detail. I can't sleep. It's five-ish in the morning. Pitch darkness outside. I'm in the front bedroom of  a portly family house on the corner of a modern avenue of smiilar buildings in Canterbury, Kent.  I'm staying with beloved parents for Christmas and New Year. Typically it's blowing the gale to end all gales outside. But It's snug and warm in here.

I get up, go downstars and make myself a mug of tea. I take it back to my room, careful not to disturb my parents, sit down, put headphones on and start listening to Coming Of Age, by Oscar Scheller an album I chanced upon yesterday evening.

It's a Bedroom Pop album, so appropriate to be listened to in a bedroom early in the moning on the last day of the year., Scheller has a rather glum, unvarying and electronically treated delivery, the musical setting is slightly unremarkable. I won't come back to the record.

But it's the kind of record that I write this blog for. Moments of discovery. Wildlife spotted on the grassland on the plain in front of my hideout hole.. I mark this 7, don't listen to the whole thing because it's samey frankly and look for something else to listen to which will detain me more.

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