Monday, December 25, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,600 La Baracande


Better late than never. La Baracande's eponymous record from earlier this year. An album that came to my notice in a list of recommendations from Gideon Coe fans a few days ago.

Gideon Coe fans almost invariably know their stuff and this is a particularly good example of that handy standby in operation. Stentorian and highly Gallic, this record sticks out a chest that is immediately and defiantly Fifties and French and maintains it with quite justifiable pride..

 Perhaps not one to play when your Auntie comes roun.d though of course this might depend on the Auntie in question, Perhaps she has Jacques Brel, or Francoise Hardy, or even Edith Piaf records. If so she might be amenable. You might even have a Gauloises concealed somewhere for her to puff on.

This is somewhat grim and unrelenting to play at a single sitting but providing a backdrop to civilised conversation it probably can't be bested. Put on your breton stripes and curly false moustache and se reinstaller.. You know you want to. 

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