Sunday, February 2, 2014

Quotes from # 1 Lou Reed

It's that man again.Still miss him! Personal quotes rather than lyrics. All lifted from the special Uncut memorial edition. Lyrics will be next.

1.'People are starving. How is this possible in the richest country in the world?'
2.'I try not to deal with what ifs. It's hard enough dealing with what's there.'
3. 'I do most of the talking. Because I deserve to.'
4. 'People turn up to concerts to see if I'll drop dead onstage.'
5. ' People don't deserve decent lyrics. They don't listen.'
6. 'The greatest thing about the VU was it's honesty.'
7. 'There are others more decadent than me.'
8. 'My songs are serious. They're my life on the line.'
9.'The attitude of Bush on Aids is 'Well they deserve it.''
10. 'Warhol had no right to die before talking to me first.'

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