Friday, July 12, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 168 Sonny Falls - Sonny Falls


The more I write these reviews the more fascinated I become with the self written artist bios.

'As Sonny Falls. Rayan Ensley makes rollicking and resonant rock songs that feel like self-contained journeys. The Chicago bandleader combines breezy, timeless songwriting with a bracing emotional potency that sneaks up on you. There are ample power pop hooks, driving riffs, and a consistently tasteful sensibility in these tunes that he's been honing across four sprawling albums.'

Has everybody swallowed an actual thesaurus?!? Are these actually written, or regugitated by computers once How to write a Rock review data and 1,000 synonyms have been input. Anyway Sonny Falls, out of the Windy City, also known as Chicago is great. His fourth album as we've already established but it comes out with an eponymous title. Sometimes it's best to go back to what you know.

Anyhow, this is a breezy, euphoric Independent rock album just like the ones they used to make and fortunately still can. It's essentially fuelled on positive gas, leads from the first corner and races to the checkered flag without need of a pitstop.This sounded so good that I immediately put it on again.

Thanks to Darren 'Starbuck' Jones for coming to the wheel and whispering directions in his Captain's ear to this altogether lovely record in the uncharted oceans of pop. Your vigilance is much appreciated. A life on the ocean waves. Three cheers me hearties!

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