Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 169 Mythical Motors - Upside Down World


Once again a Sporify bio that can't be bear in telling you where a fabulous band and wonderful record are coming from. ' Drawing influences from bans such as Guided By Voices, The Clean, Wire, Superchunk, Bevis Frond and the expansive Elephant 6 Collective, the band weaves a wide net of surrealistic lyrical narrative.'

That's where I come from. So I'll be having that. Upside Down World by Mythical Motors is actually a record that lives up to the highest billing. It's a record that skips along like an eight year old in shorts across a sunlit meadow on the first day of Spring.

Out of Chattanooga Tennessee, it couldn't get any better. A child's drawing on the cover. A crayon rendered of a fried egg sun, a spaceship or comet racing across blue heavens. A record that makes you glad to be alive. Fourteen songs. Less than half an hour. It's a rush...

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