Monday, March 4, 2024

Mojo Collection - The Ultimate Music Companion # 546 Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister


For the record I much, much prefer If You're Feeling Sinister to OK Computer. It's much gentler, imbued with a strange love. Indie people inspired by The Vevet Underground, The Left Banke,  The Smiths, Felt and Orange Juice. Being fifteen. Many of my favourite things. I'll listen to it again later today after my lessons.

When I went to New York in 2001 a few months before that day with my great travelling and gig friend Andy it was clear Belle & Sebastian ruled the East Village. You heard them everywhere. It seemed a snug fit somehow. They were quite Audrey in some ways as well as Edie. Breakfast at Tiffanys. I had a phone chat with Andy yesterday about visiting New York again. We'll see if that eventualises.

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