Monday, March 4, 2024

Best Ever Albums - Top 1,000 Albums # 1 Radiohead - OK Computer


So, the longest countdown I've done on here comes to the end after the best part of three years leaving us with OK Computer a curate's egg of an album  for me. A record I like bits of. I personally prefer the Radiohead before and directly afterwards, though it wasn't an unpleasant record by any means this morning,

To me it feels much like Sgt. Pepper did a few days ago. Like a record that is of its time rather than one that's endured incredibly well. Just listen to Paranoid Android. It's incredibly 1997. A Post Prog Bohemian Rhapsody. Its sentiments are so embittered. Bent double.

I do love moments here. Let Down, Subterranean Homesick Blues, Karma Police. No Surprises feels like a song I've adopted as I approach 60. Elsewhere it feels rather uneven. Side Two goes all over the shop frankly. It would have benefitted from being made as a vinyl record rather than a digital one. Lucky fine song but pasted in from an earlier Charity Record. 

I think it's an album thats status has been elevated because of what it represents. The album that everyone, but everyone bought on CD. Everyone had been forced to move on from vinyl now. Things have turned back and personally I'm glad.

Pre Millenial anxiety, fear and blues. Music wise at least we've come to a happier and calmer world. If only the same could be said where anything else is concerned. Good to see Yorke and Johnny Greenwood still going so very strong 25 years on. I suspect Radiohead will be back one day.

So we're at the end of this after so many days of me accessing the Best Albums Chart every morning for 1,000 days. I'm tempted to start again from 2,000 and count down to 1,000. A folly. But this whole Blog is a self indulgent folly of course. If I undertook that one, that would take us into 2027. Where will we all be then?These countdowns are never about one recotd being 'better' than another record, just a chance for me to focus on records. 

Records that I know or ones that I don't yet. I'm half tempted actually. It's another journey and I like nothing better than setting off and undergoing journeys.  I'll take a few days to think about it. 

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