Sunday, March 3, 2024

Best Ever Albums - Top 1,000 Albums # 2 Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon


'Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way...'

Oh dear I thought as I started to listen to this early on a Sunday Morning. Not Pink Floyd and mental health. I've had enough of Pink Floyd down the years. Particularly Roger Waters and Dave Gilmour's Floyd. I still have plenty of time for Syd's. I don't really think they understood what he was getting at.

I've certainly had enough of mental health. While I love One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest as much as the next person it's not nice to actually have to live it. Try going to work meetings for years where people just bang on about their mental health and how great they are. It's not much fun.

I didn't enjoy listening to Dark Side this morning. It's just not my kind of record. Much as I respect friends who swear by it. I find it bloated, self absorbed and tiresome. Sorry! I just do. I like about five minutes of it. The Lunatic Is On The Grass section mainly.

 Otherwise, considering that according to this chart is the second best record ever made, it has precious little to offer me.Where is Astral Weeks, What's Going On, Murmur, Marquee Moon or London Calling when you need them. Save me from these tiresome self indulgennces and endless squealing guitar solos.I'm not coming to the dark side of the moon Rog. Certainlynot if you're going to be there you miserable man. Go ahead without me.

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