How to wind up your mates in a pub. This one's for free. Next time you're in a social situation. And the converstion palls. Try this one. 'Lads have you heard the latest album by Ian Hawgood. It's called Savage Modern Structures and it's ever so good. It plays into the liminal spaces discourse. Hauntology ! Psychogeography !!! Why don't you give it a listen fellas.'.
I imagine your friends probably know you. They'll just give you a funny look and someone will probably change the subject. Or else they'll just tell you to shut up or something worse. But persevere because the record is really a very good and impressive and atmospheric one of the kind of lefrfield endeavour that is increasingly grabbing my attention these days.Craven Faults. Lankum. Now Ian Hawgood.
.Savage Modern Structures has a photo of a fogbound deserted set of ruins on the front cover. Listening to the record feels like you're exploring it physically frankly. On a bleak overclouded day in the middle of winter. It's an album of instrumental guitar and mellotron orchestrations that have plenty of mood and little conventional punctuation, I enjoyed it yesterday in the way that you might enjoy a modern art exhibition focusing on something slightly depressing and oppressive but also strangely emotionally upliftung. .Nice to visit but secretly making you feel rather glad you don't live actually there.
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