Saturday, February 15, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,005 Richard Dawson

A couple of years ago I was sitting one evening in The Bodega, a fine pub  just around the corner from my flat where I live in Newcastle.  Supping a pint. Half watching a football match. Local music figure and legend Richard Dawson walked past me on the way to the loo. Instantly recognisable figure Richard.

I stopped him and we had a chat. Or more accurately he listened to me rattle on at infinite length as I was in my cups. He was incredibly generous with his time as I muttered on and on about the state of the world and anything else that came to my mind. I don't like bothering people, but at the end of the evening I went across to thank him before I left. He was sitting enjoying an evening out with some friends of his. He leapt up and his friend took a couple of pictures of us. Gurning at the camera. Smiling.

He's a lovely man. Also an incredible artist. With a considerable body of work stretching back almost twenty years now, End of the Middle is his latest album and it seems set to extend his considerable reputation, cult and influence. He's a one off. Working in a particular Folk tradition but at the same time etching out his own space as any artist of note should. Creating a body of work. A portfolio. Something which will outlive him.

He focuses on the quotidian. How the ordinary is extraordinary. How we struggle through the trials of life and take refuge in the detail. Apparently trivial daytime encounters with others; disturbing and consolatory ones. Daytime TV. Being at home with family. Allotments. Daily stresses and joys.

He's a National Treasure. That much abused and overused term but that's Richard. Nobody does quite what he is doing though there are others in his field. He is at once a paragon of simplicity and a complex, nuanced and thoughtful performer.

He will not be for everybody. Your Auntie might not like his stuff. He doesn't attempt to sing in tune or tidy up his work for mass consumption. Quite right too. He's an Ivan Cutler for The Internet Age. End of the Middle will be much treasured and celebrated. Quite right too.

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