Thursday, February 27, 2025

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 85 The The - Soul Mining


                                  'You pull back the curtains and the sun burns into your eyes.'

Great music can cut through all of the layers of life whuch accumulate over years of lived experience. Take you back to your true self and make you feel how you felt when were ten, seventeen, twenty one. Whatever. This is happening to me now. I've got Soul Mining by The The on the turntable.I'm listening to it before I start my working day.  Ir's a record that meant an enormous amount to me when I was 17.

Matt Johnson had a voice and vision that it felt natural to relate to at that age, A burning unapologetic intensity, I loved Soul Mining because it fitted in with the books I was reading and the films I was seeing,  The Oursider, Nausea, Catcher in the Rye. Mean Streets, Rumblefush, Bladerunner. It was utterly compatible and expressive of the emotions I was feeling and hoping I suspect one day to find the words to express. 

The record still speaks to me. There will always be people turning seventeen. With a need to fasten themselves to rites of passage records like this. These are not emotions to scoff at, To think you can put in a box. But ones to aspire to and try to maintain if we can. An undefined emotional longing that you can't put into words as you prepare yourself unknowingly for each new day. For going out into the world and whatever life might have in store for you. It's nice to still have the physical copy of the record that I bought and listened to then,.Seventeen is an emotional state that you should never lose touch with, Why would you want to. 


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