Sunday, February 23, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,013 Park Jiha


South Korean artist Park Jiha has a magical sound. The kind of thing you pay through the nose for. Then go to comfortable theatrical venues with plush, velvet armchaired seating. State of the art acoustics. Dressed up audience,  To sink back in your chair and wallow in music that functions as a warm luxuriant massage of folds and receptors you didn't know you had.

Put on her latest album All Living Things now. Set the process in motion. It's a smooth silky ride, as if you've found yourself in a train sliding round corners with a blanket thrown over your shoulders. Gathering momentum on a fogbound railway track making its way miraculously up a Himilayan mountain track. This is an evocative, transporting record.

Park uses traditional Korean instruments like the Yannggeum, a hammered dulcimer and the mouth organ and the wooden oboe to weave a spell that's pure bliss frankly. The music takes you to a place that's wherever you want it to be. An enchanting experience. 


  1. This was a lovely discovery, thanks Bruce! Went down very nicely on Sunday morning.

  2. Really wonderful record isn't it Darren. There are so many.
