Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,015 Parastatic

 Kraftwerk still sounds fresh. State of the Art. A sleek Intercity..Speeding across countryside and into urban spaces.  Station to Station. Listening to the new Parastatic album Concrete Reborn it's an exciting experience. Like listening to Kraftwerk or Neu ! in 1975. They're a local band. They're playing The Star & Shadow co-operative a couple of mles from me on Saturday. I'll look into going to see them. More excitement.

This is a return. Their first record for ten years. It's worked around a basic concept. A paean to Brutalism. And there's plenty of that around Newcastle. Function and form. Utiitarian beauty.Inspired by Brasilia and Berlin. Ideas. Discourse.

It's a fabulous concept and a wonderful record.Parastatic are working with vocalist Laura also of Late Girl.. Concrete Reborn  is quite stunning frankly. Accessible leftfield. Layered melodic guitars and vocals that offer up reminders of Pylon and Life Without Buildings. It's an album that feels like a Golden Dawn. Magnificent. 


  1. This was ace! Had to listen at work, but going to give it a proper play when I can again. Thanks Bruce!

    1. This one really is Darren. It's a superb record. Will see them on Saturday which should be exciting,

    2. Ah, that should be great! I listened again last night. It's really good. Sounds like you are OK for new stuff, so I'll just mention Mirrored Daughters, Cici Arthur and Christian Winther in case you don't know them. Might have mentioned the Patterson Hood album to see what you thought, although I wasn't completely sold on it after a great start, but it seems to have been removed from Spotify...

    3. Always better for suggestions. Thanks very much Darren. Will get onto it, All new to me.
