Friday, February 21, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,011 House of All


Finding a new record to listen to on a Friday. You can do far worse than listening to House Of All Souls, the latest album from House of All. It's early. The sun hasn't risen yet. I'm heading towards a set of back to back lessons with busy German people business people. Starting at half seven and continuing unbroken until one .By the time you read this I'll be done. Money will be heading for my bank account come the 8th of March. I'll be deciding what to do with my weekend. 

When I get a moment during the morning. I'll be listening to this. Martin Bramah a founder member of The Fall and Blue Orchids goes forward leading the staff and banner of The Fall into battle. With him are The Unfallen. The last of the prominent Fall alumni, The Unfallen. Apart from those playing in Brix Smith's band or hanging out in Northern Libraries or Unemployment Exchanges or Old People's homes.. Steve and Paul Hanley. Si Wollstencraft. Some younger bloke you may not have heard of..

In Germany they have an Ausbildung System. Apprenticeship in a craft which you opt for when you leave school which still seems to hold good and provide a fundamental infrastructure for society. Provide lifelong training in a skillset. Making shoes or being a bookkeeper. A skillset that might be useful for the rest of your days strikes me as a worthwhile thing. Others might disagree and say 'I'll vote for Boris Johnson or find out what Michael Gove thinks'. People are strange. Jim was right..

  House Of All is  a sturdy set of songs about history, occult, fraternities, going into the woods in search of mushrooms wuth your mates. The odd way that human beings choose to organise themselves. You can hear the words which hasn't always been the case, I like it ! They're playing fairly close to me soon I notice. 

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