'I saw a treehouse on the outskirts of the farm. The powerlines have floaters so the airlines won't get snagged. The bells are ringing through the town again. The children look up all they hear is sky blue bells ringing.'
I've never had a band that inhabited me the way that R.E.M. did between 1983 and 1987. I never will again. I listened to other music. Saw fims and read books but they occupied my waking hours in a way that was quite spectral looking back. I'm deeply grateful to the four of them. They were doing the same for any number of others. It wasn't just me. They were inspirational. The primary responsibility of great cultural artists.To encourage others to create themselves.
Driver 8 was another song that occupied me in a remarkable way. A driving riff. A phenomenal momentum and power. I played it again and again and wondered where it came from. What it was saying. R.E.M. were not a band that answered questions like this. They were all mystery and enigma. Like the best things in life. Where was the train going to. Who was Driver 8? What was the Go Tell Crusade? As with Dylan the questions were the beautiful and key thing,
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