Thursday, February 20, 2025

1985 Singles # 1 Madonna


'You can dance. For inspiration...'

I didn't particularly run around and jump up and down to Madonna in 1985. I was a young man and was in thrall to literate guitar bands with Fender Telecasters, Rickenbackers and classic paperbacks on their bookshelves and their minds.

That wasn't really Madonna's thing at that point in time. That facet of her personality blossomed later. What was ahe into in 1985? Well boys most obviously. Pop Music. Making money. At a point when the American Dream still had a curious lure.

Madonna was just fun and she made great records she was fun and the girl you most wanted to dance to. You couldn't ignore her. She was the girls with the hips. And the tits. And the hits. You coudn't ignore her. Why would you have wanted to.  

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