Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,790 Alexei Shishkin


Scrupolous and steadfast first mate Starbuck (aka Darren Jones) throws  his captain another bone to chew on this Tuesday morning. And it's a juicy one.Portland based maker of ' bittersweet, lethargic indie-pop Alexei Shishkin. His  latest Open Door Policy, amd second album of 2024. An instant, offbeat jewel.

 Shishkin is not difficult to categorise in the record shop of your mind if that's what you're looking to do. .Dean Wareham, David Berman, Stephen Malkmus, Bradford Cox, Kurt Vile. The DIY section of the bleachers. Oddball, but with a fondness for a melody. Homely. Cosy. 

Just my cup of sick in short. Time to run my bath and get going about my day. Another exceptionally winning record. Starbuck, I doff my cap to you. Morning has broken. Set the sails for a day of sailing. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it, Bruce! I'm going in for another listen now...
