Saturday, February 24, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,658 Prize Horse


We don't always use those crucial teenage years quite as productively as we might looking back. Spending our time with similarly surly and uncommunicative kids at High School or College. Kicking stones around down the sidewalk or hanging round for hours at the cornershop. Avoiding parental eye contact at the dinner table. Passing the time hiding behind your hair and staring at your shoes mostly. Possibly not fully investing in life.

Glum Minneapolis Indie trio Prize Horse. Why the long face. Or faces perhaps? It's a joke kids geddit? I doubt if Prize Horse would laugh, judging by the sound of their debut album Under Sound. . It's a morose product and no mistake.

I like a down in the mouth album as much as the next man. I regularly choose to play records by Joy Division or The Smiths. The Replacements and Husket Du. But all of these bands were inspired by the hormonal teenage maelstrom ahd classic literature rather than overcome by the challenge of grappling with Ian Curtis and Dostoevsky as seems to be the case here.

I tried with Under Sound but I'm afraid I didn't get very far. It didn't provide the soundtrack to my morning bath that I had been hoping for. I had to mute the TV as soon as I entered the living room and search for something more amenable to listen to while I made my breakfast.

So here is a record that doesn't really have a proper review. Largely because the reviewer couldn't face listening to the whole thing. In my defence, I haven't posted this in, I've thought about it, so at least Under Sound made some impression. It made me think. I'm sure Prize Horse may go on to win several prizes, at country fetes,music festivals and the like. I'm afraid they're getting no awards from me this morning.

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