Sunday, November 13, 2016

Song of the Day # 1,029 Tom Robinson Band

This blog isn't intended as polemic though occasionally it will become clear that I'm basically a libertarian in my attitudes to the world outside these virtual walls. This song comes from the deep, dark seventies when there was genuine talk about revolution from either the left or the right in the UK and both Europe and America were fermenting with social and underground unrest.It's strange and odd that it somehow seems relevant again, (even if the song itself may seem a bit naff), forty years on. A couple of decades on from the advent of the Internet it seems that the more knowledge we have access to the less we understand.

It also has very specific personal memories for me, reminding me of a very good German friend from my youth who I worked with in Switzerland when I was nineteen and who chose a few years later not to stay with us all. 'Power in the Darkness' Holger! This one's for you.

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