Friday, September 29, 2023

Wilco - Cousin


Wilco are one of my favourite bands. They always have been since I saw them for the first time playing Outtasite in the wonderful promo in the late Nineties. They represent eternal American verities. They seem to have existed always. Like The Band. And my own particular favourites. The group that set me off. R.E.M.

Some people prefer different phases of Wilco's career. Different albums. Not me. They have incredible quality control and I generally like everything I hear. They plot their own course. They also have remarkable continuity in terms of band members. It seems once you sign up for Wilco, you sign up for life. They're a family. Theirs seems to be a higher cause. A noble one.

Latest record Cousin seems to favour quietness and space. This seems to be their way of working these days, which may not seem to utilise the talents of one of their greatest weapons. Those of their potentially explosive lead guitarist Nels Cline. But that's a misleading impression. Nels is up to plenty on here as he always is. Each band member is. You can follow whatever you like. They're craftsmen.

It's a layered record as is generally the case with Wilco. Produced by Cate Le Bon this time round which makes it an interesting listen on that basis alone. You'll need to invest fully if you hope to read the full reward. Take your time, you won't regret it. Of course Wilco are built primarily to voice the concerns of their plump diminutive Captain and guiding pilot Jeff Tweedy. An amiable but occasionally irascible Ahab. Or Pugwash, if you prefer.

He generally seems to be in amiable mood here, Certainly reflective. The songs here follow similar structures but have varying dappled surfaces of different textures and hues. It's an Autumnal record. It's Autumn after all. If you like Wilco you'll like this.

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