Saturday, September 23, 2023

Albums of the Year # 96 Generationals - Heatherhead


This seems already like one of those summers that will go on and on. I'm as open to the wonderful nature of sunny days as the next person but sometimes an attitude sets in with a few weeks that become months and you get the impression, particularly if you're pale skinned and English like I am, that this might prove a tad relentless.

So thank goodness for Heatherhead, the seventh album by Generationals, the kind of record that gives summers a good name. School's out forever, and for once you might be about to have a really good time this year.

Grant Widner and Ten Joyner, (for they are Generationals), hail from New Orleans, though you wouldn't really know it. They deal in blue eyed Pop rather than Cajun Soul. But the fact they've been around for a while is immediately apparent. They've served their apprenticeship and you're in safe hands so settle back and enjoy the ride.

Heatherhead  takes its lead from the Pop Charts of the Eighties and largely the American ones. This is not as bad as it might immediately appear. It's a record that shimmers and glows. Garage Pop seems to be a tag that fits.

 Generationals know their Suicide. Their Sparks. Their Cars. Their Prince. For forty minutes here they are the boys of summer. A terrific record. Truly!

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