Sunday, September 29, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,870 Mustafa


Waking up in the sun. In a beautiful Bed & Breakfast. In Bel Paeso, Sicily. A short but interesting car ride from Catania where I lived and worked twenty five years ago. I think I appreciate the beauty an freedom it offers more than I did twenty five years ago. In the words of someone, can't remember who, 'I was so much older then I'm young than that now. '

An appropriate album to listen to as I prepare for my shower. And breakfast. Mustafa's Dunya. A young man with a questing mind and a lonely, hunting but wise heart.

This is his first album. First album's are often the greatest. But judjing by Dunya he's got a lot more in the tank. It sounds great as the sun streams through my open window which leads onto the balocny. .  

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