Monday, September 30, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 87 Rosali - Bite Down


There are no end of fantastic new records being released at the moment and coming down the pike in the coming weeks and months. It's a welcome refuge from the heinous state of the world outside our windows. I don't shy away from political comment.  But I'm inclined to choose my company and conversations these days. I don't care to waste my breath, Cause agitation to others or invite it upon myself.

As an alternative to such wasted endeavour, you might choose to spend some time with Rosali. She's a  North Carolina based singer songwriter. Her new album Bite Down has just been released and in short I think it's excellent. 

Rosali is probably an Americana artist if you want to file herself somewhere in the Record Shop you no doubt have located somehwere in your head.  Bite Down is further testimony to her fantastic gifts.

She's an artist who generally deals in aesthetic pastoral loveliness. In the way that Monet did for much of his artistic career. If you're after musical comparisons, some of her songs sound not unlike Christine and Stevie harmonising together. The Weather Station or Joan Shelley if they were more inclined to rock out and let their hair down.

Anyway the record is further evidence that she's an artist worth investing your time in. And making an effort to go out and see her live is she happens to play a venue near you. I have a good friend who loves her truly and should really write his own testimony. Mine is brief. This is great. Maybe he'd care to expand. 

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