Monday, September 23, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,864 Sunset Rubtown

           'I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starvung hysterical naked.;

Scrolling down a playlist of new releases on a Sunday evening I unexpectantly pulled out a plum, The modern condition is like that. Perhaps the human condition always was. But the Interner experience certainly adds another dimension. To what let's face it is the great spiritual voyage we're all embarked on. Whether we wish to be or not.

All aboard The Pequod.. Today Song(s) of the Day on It Starts  Sunset Rubtown an American collective helmed by Spencer Krug.Their latest album Always Happy To Explode. A fabulous glittering artistic statement. A blistering album. Rake it frim me. This is a good one. 

Imaginative franric, multi vistad. A wonderful record frankly..Like the best collectives. Name your own favourites but I thought of Radiohead and Arcade Fire as 'Always Happy To Explode. span, Like those two Sunset Rubtown dream collectuvely.A wonderfulpoetic  universe to hurl yourself into.  


  1. Need to check this out, Bruce! I have heard of them. Think Spencer Krug might be from Wolf Parade, a Canadian band I have one album by from 10+ years ago. It's a very good album, though! Will give this one a listen when I can...

  2. Other albums I am checking out include Tasha, Otis Shanty and Circus Trees. Also, the Neighbours Burning Neighbours album is good if you need some noise!
