Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,865 Circus Trees


Trees? I love trees. I have a lovely Autumnal tree statnding on the corner outside my flat. It has a traffic cone in its branches . Thrown up there by some drunken lout. It's still there high in the branches five days after it was first chucked there. Like some sad modern metaphor of the utter uselessness and futuluty of modern human existence. Somebody should do something about iy.

Never mind. Here come Circus Trees to the rescue. With their poignant new album  This makes me sad, and I miss you. It's all pangent guitars and wide eyed mournful emoting. Hey,we were all 17 once. I sometimes suspect some of us still are.

They are not Fake Plastic Trees. They are the real thing. Well Curcus Trees then. If they count as the real thing.  

According to their Spotify bio Circus Trees 'make music that doesn't fit with their age,their gender, their living conditions; they are young, they spend their lives in the wastelands of suburbia.; 

Hang on  Circus Trees. Hold your collective horses. I think your being eerso slightly melodramatic about all this . I like your record a lot. But sit down and eat your breakfast. I'm sure it will all be alright.

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