Sunday, December 25, 2022

Albums of the Year # 1 Joan Shelley - The Spur


So to my favourite album of the year. This process has been rather farcical this time round for reasons I won't bore you with. Far more so than at any point since 2017 when I first started doing this on here. Hey I'm older, that's my excuse for everything this days.

But It's not just that. It feels like a particularly good year for music this year. Of course it always is. You just need to know where to look. I feel like I do these days. I cast my net wider than I have done and when it comes to the final hundred, (what a ludicrous, self-imposed fool's errand, starting this countdown in mid-September), I immediately need to omit any number of great records worthy of wider recognition.

Joan Shelley was not actually on my original list and I only whittled down to The Spur as my favourite for 2022 a few days back. She actually deserves to be on everybody's list every time she releases a record. If she's put out a poor one, I haven't heard it.

She might be dismissed by some as rather worthy. Earnest. As if these are bad qualities. But I rather like qualities like these, these days. They equate with reliable and that's kind of what we need at a time when you certainly can't rely on politicians, or even the fact that you're going to get to your destination when you get into a bus or train or even a car in 2022.

The songs on here are things you can trust in and rely on. They'll get you to your desired destination. They're lovingly crafted, bespoke objects from a quality artisan . Bill Callahan turns up on the track I like most. Otherwise it's mainly Joan, her band and her wonderfully true voice and subtle and minimal guitar. It's a thing of beauty,

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