Monday, June 3, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,757 Roberto Delgado


As a dyed in the wool Record Shop browser I made a great purchase yesterday that cost me a pound but brought me untold happiness and enjoyment in return. 

The Very Best Of Roberto Delgado a middle aged German man in natty, but  faintly ludicrous poncho and sombrero and stern spectacles.It made me smile. When I put the record on, my smile broadened.

The sleeve notes only broadened my smile further.' At the age of six he was playing in his Grandfather's band in a restaurant. Four years later he was proficient on piano. A couple of years later still he used sticks instead of figures and was a xylophone wizard.' . Roberto Delgado has the kind of Outsider obsession and zeal I warm to.

His Very Best of has Mariarchi renderings of the likes of  Pata Pata, Yes My Darling Daughter and Liquidator. It feels like they're playing the best birthday party you will ever have. I build my days around great finds like this.

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