Thursday, June 27, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 182 Lupo Citta - Lupo Citta


Lupo Citta, from what my rudimentary research uncovered are a Boston trio of some vintage and with excellent credentials.

Their debut album, just out, is fascinating from the off, With that depressive undertow that underpinned so many great Sonic Youth records. Feedback, slurred and vaguely threatening vocals.

The whole records has an intent and purpose that I was immediately impressed by.. This is primarily a Nineties sound that Nirvana's arrival gave enormous overground licence for a few years.

A thrilling guitar record f that  knows its Outsider Rock & Roll lore. Lupo Citta rocked my World early on a Sunday morning and made me forget the cold outside because things were simmering nicely under my headphones.

I was so impressed I transferred my listening from my laptop to my TV screen while I made myself some breakfast and the record provide a thrilling soundtrack. The best West Coast  Punk record I've heard since BEECHWOOD and Sunflower Bean's Human Ceremony. 

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