Monday, June 24, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 185 Bleachers - Bleachers


Bleachers is a very American English word. You don't quite understand it if you're English. Have to look it up to check. Two nations divided by a common language. For interested parties Bleachers are the uncovered part of sporting stadiums. The cheap seats.

Bleachers are also an American Rock band and their debut album is called .... er Bleachers. It has a picture of an all Anerican guy grinning out at you from its sleeve.Leaning proudly on his prized car.  Muscled, tanned. But pleasant enough looking. A jock but not one of the ones that bully freshmen. A good bloke.

The record itself is a very American one. Somehwere between Springsteen and The National. Bleachers are from New Jersey and they instinctively understand the importance of having a good car, and taking care of it are to the male American psyche. 

Some things change. Some things never will. This is a smart, thoughtful record with any number of cared for, well turned out songs. Not a reinventor of a wheel that certainly doesn't need reinventing just yet for the most part. Occasional they stray from the Girls & Cars path and try something a bit more modern and dancefloor. It's all interesting.

I really enjoyed this. It wear its heart on its sleeve, never tries to be anything other than what it is for fifty minutes and fourteen songs as it makes its way down the modern American highway.

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