Sunday, June 23, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,774 Moon Diagrams


I'm sat at the kirchen table of a wonderful townhouse outside Reading on a Sunday morning. With headphones on and a mug of peppermint tea. The morning after the night before. An incredible celebration for my niece and her life partner.

I'm listening to Cemetry Classics by Moon Diagrams, An interesting,  echoey album. Largely informed by the 'isolation and anxiety of the pandemic area,' That's big subject matter we're talking.

I wasn't sure the record quite coheres. But it takes on incoherent subject matter that's tough to nail down. What it certainly does is conjour up a heady atmosphere. One to come back to.


  1. Still catching up with your posts this week, but I rather liked this! Suits my mood and definitely one to come back to. The Been Stellar album grew on me, too, even though I almost turned it off when the vocals came in on the first track. Glad I stuck with it. I can offer you albums by Rui Gabriel ( half of Lawn!), Las Nubes and Dylan Moon if you don't know them.

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