Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,777 Linda Thompson


If in doubt trust in Thompsons. This seems to be one of the most persuasive Pop narratives of 2024, A few weeks after I saw Richard Thompson put on a blistering and unforgettable performance at The Sage in Glasshouse supporting his splendid new album. Now here comes Linda. It feels like the arrival of Blucher at The Battle Of Waterloo. Not a moment too soon.

Proxy Music This is a sumptuous record in every respect. Frim the cover which finds Linda decked out in lace and frills. A reminder of a classic of yore. A beautifully judged tongue in cheek homage to Roxy's first, Another late career classic. We're becoming acccustomed to them now. Richard, Eno. John Cale, now this. A sumptuous set of collaborations, alliances and partnership this one, Each succeeding one outdoing the last,

One of the most original albums of this, or any other year. Linda of course has been robbed of her own singing voice. On Proxy Music other artists step in and sing her songs for her. The Proclaimers, Martha and Rufus Wainwright, John Grant, Eliza Carthy, The Unthanks. The great and good line up to take their turn. The tracks they lay down are gorgeous. Layered instant classics. You recognise very early that you're in the company of something very special.

A dazzling collection of  treasurable Folk Aet Pop tracks. It plugs into the mains of Sixties and Seventies English Folk Tradition It's veined with  life, love, the struggle and the roads that life lays down before us. The magnificent experience. Wonderful album   

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