Saturday, June 29, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 180 J.Mascis - What Do We Do Now


' I feel the pain of everyone. Then I feel nothing...'

It's comforting to say goodbye to January. Hello to February. Onwards to Spring. And to be able to do so to the sound of a new J Mascis record. Everything is changing and at the same time. nothing is. Sun comes up. It's Friday morning.

Mascis is a comforting figure. Almost a biblical one. Standing at the crossroads. Guitar in hand, Distinctive guitar solo incoming. End of the world is nigh but he'll stand his ground. What Do We Do Now his new record offers nothing new but that hasn't been what we look to him for really. Not for a while.

There are a couple of stunned looking animated otters on the front of the record sleeve floating in what seems to be the great virtual pond of life. Meanwhile J's voice drones on in the comforting way it does. It all seems apt.

Let's face it we know what he does by now. The eternal troubled teen. Neil Young's confused but talented nephew. Still just as troubled. Even as he plods towards sixty. Enjoy. Make a cup of tea. Put this record on. I'm glad he's here. We all should be.

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