Sunday, June 30, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 179 Lord Esme


Welcome to the World of Fragile Indie. Where gamine girls with wondrous, flowing hair and wardrobes full of floral dresses, dance to Felt tunes with blokes who dream most nights of being in the Byrds bashing a tambourine like Gene Clark and singing heavenly harmonies. That's if their haircuts are anything to go by. 

A world where everybody is polite all the time and people let you through to the front at gigs when the band starts to play. One where every Fourteen Iced Bears release makes the Top Thirty and gets played all day on Daytime Radio.

WAKE UP INDIE LOSERS! YOU'RE DREAMING YOU BLOODLESS WASTRELS! But never mind. You might like this. It's Lord Esme, Sydney, Australia's latest Indie sensation. Their debut album, the thrillingly entitled, A Nice Sit Down is just out and it's Indiepop Heaven in a glass! 

The sleeve has a hearty looking lady with wavy hair and wearing a lovely frock. She surveys her pint and regards the viewer at one and the same time, with studied indifference through psychedelic shades. Promising. 

The record itself? It's ripper peeps ! Setting off with Shane Warne. The best song about a recently departed spin legend you'll hear this year and proceeding winningly from there. Lord Esme is all about having a gentle good time with your besties and never showing more urgency than is absolutely necessary.

Male and female players harmonise winningly and a wonderful time is had by one and all. Melbourne clearly doesn't have a complete monopoly on alternative guitar fun.

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