Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 183 Dog Unit - At Home


Post Rock. Sunny Post Rock. I loves me a bit of Sunny Post Rock. Especially of the Instrumental sort occasionlly. Thanks again to Darren Jones. Fisherman on the High Seas of Alternative Music. His latest recommendation.

I don't generally like Instrumental Rock Music. I'm a bit impatient. I'm usually waiting for the vocals to kick in.To colour things in . To give me narrative or emotional direction. In the case of Dog Unit's At Home I'll make an exception. There is enough nuance and thought in their playing to give the listener all the direction he or she might need.

At Home has great track titles Concrete Barges on The Banks of The Thames. When Do We Start Fighting. John X Kennedy. So far, so intriguing. And the tracks are even more intriguing. 

Who needs Ian Curtis. Stuart Staples. Laetitia Sadler. Or whoever. Great as all of these people are. But Dog Unit give you free rein. To think what you want to. To encourage you to dream. I like bands that do that.

In short I thoroughly enjoyed At Home and I sign up for Dog Unit's fanclub and look forward to them coming to my hometown.  They're my new favourite Post Rock Instrumental band. Everybody needs one. Just as much as they need a Shady Lane.

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