Friday, June 28, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 181 sundots - Honeyspot


No sleep for the wicked...  the devil will find work... the early bird... And other cliches about not putting off until tomorrow...lazy bones and so on and so forth. Don't shilly shally in short. Get on with it.

I need to too. First Mate Starbuck aka Darren Jones is seting a fine example for the rest of the crew. Not tarrying and back at his post ealy new year for the 2024 voyages of the Peqod, aka It Starts With a Birthstone. Here is his latest musical recommendation and as I'd expect it's another fine one.

sundots, (and that's a lower case 's' , I'm still not entirely sure how these things work), have a new album called Honeyspot which certainly does what it says on the tin and hits mine. Honeypot that is. I made some New Years Revelations but improving the quality of my Joke Portfolio was not among them. I'm my father's son.

sunspots are from Philaelphia. What they do strikes me as Post Millennium Shoegaze. I' hazard a guess that they've spun some My Bloody Valentine records down the years. Red House Painters.And why not. Onwards to the distant horizon and beyond. Infinity beckons. Nice work Starbuck!

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