Monday, March 25, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,687 Newmoon


In the Book Club I attend we had an interesting discussion last month. The book selected was a long novel by a well known and celebrated Edwardian novelist who has gone out of favour in recent years. It was a well written book but my main criticism was that nothing of any import at all seemed to actially happen in it.. A conversation then ensued whether that was necessary in a novel to make it worth reading.

I had similar thoughts about reocrds this morning listening to Newmoon's latest album Temporary Light. It has a picture if clouds in the sky on the front cover. They look rather like the ones that Turner used to paint. The record itself is spectacularly uneventually. Glacial guitars and wan, absent vocals, all rather reminiscent of spendinga n afternoon in your back garden in a deck chair, watching the paint on the garden shed you've just painted dry.

Temporary Light is a well assemble piece of music. It's pretty in the way that Eyeless In Gaza ir Durutti Column records are pretty. Unfortunately it's not remotely as arreasting as either of those things can be. I won't be listening to it again.


  1. Yeah, I've been following them a while on Spotify (I tend to do that if I like a song at some point and then keep up with new releases), but a track from the album popped up on my Release Radar on Friday and I'm not sure I made it to the end of that.... so I don't rate the album's chances! I did rather like the Hiding Places EP from Friday, and am yet to listen to the new Good Morning, Bendigo Fletcher and Dweller albums. Can also recommend recent albums from Bedbug and Hill View #73, and the Squiggly Lines EP.

  2. Brilliant. More for me to listen to. Thanks. There was very little happening here I'm afraid.
